The Loop Project by Jesper Tjäder
As the photographer documenting Jesper Tjäder's remarkable world’s first loop rail hit, I had the privilege of witnessing resilience and sheer determination firsthand. Beginning in May 2015, Jesper embarked on what would become a 14-month challenge, fraught with both physical and mental hurdles. Over this period, he made more than 70 attempts to complete a daunting loop—a feat that, while it may not seem extensive in number, was both harrowing and excruciating with each trial. Each attempt was a visceral experience; the tension palpable and every fall a testament to the risks involved. Despite the falls, some of which were quite severe, Jesper emerged remarkably unscathed, free of any significant injuries. Capturing the moments when Jesper would rise, dust himself off, and prepare for another go was incredibly inspiring. The culmination in July 2016, when he finally succeeded, was not just a relief but a powerful testament to perseverance. Through my lens, I aimed to encapsulate not only the sheer challenge of the physical feat but also the indomitable spirit required to conquer it.
As the photographer documenting Jesper Tjäder's challenge, capturing his evolution through the loop project was as thrilling as it was inspiring. After Jesper completed the loop for the first time, a notable shift occurred in his approach and confidence. The initial success seemed to break a mental barrier, and subsequent attempts were met with increased ease and precision. He managed to nail the loop several more times, allowing us to capture various angles and incorporate a GoPro for dynamic first-person views. Jesper executed the loop flawlessly on two occasions and nearly perfectly on about five others.
Throughout this project, working with Field Productions was an integral part of the process. Their expertise in filmmaking complemented my focus on still photography, creating a symbiotic relationship that enhanced the overall quality of the footage. Jesper's focus remained steadfast on his skiing, trusting us to ensure the visuals did justice to his incredible feats. The collaboration was seamless and rewarding, highlighting the power of teamwork in bringing such a challenging and visually captivating project to life.
As I write this Jesper has not been resting the past years: Jesper Tjäder is back at it again, with yet another seemingly impossible idea to turn into reality. Witness the world's first 'open loop slide' on skis! Check out his instagram @jespertjader