My little attempt of capturing the spirit of Osafestivalen
Celebration of music, particularly honoring Sigbjørn Bernhoft Osa's vision of creating an arena for folk music. Set against the stunning backdrop of the Norwegian fjords and westcoast Norway, the festival embodies a spirit of community and cultural exchange, inviting attendees to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of folk music and the heritage it represents.
2024 will be the 30th year of Osafestivalen. Evolving from the Strykarfestivalen, which was established in Voss earlier. The festival is named after, and rooted in, Sigbjørn Bernhoft Osa's idea of creating a meeting place, where folk music meets and challenges adjacent musical forms. The festival is held on the last weekend of October every year. With around 40-50 events spread over three days. The festival offers something for people of all ages and is permanently located at the Ole Bull Academy, where the daily manager and festival coordinator are permanent employees.
From my part. Far from outdoor photography, but music and visuals has always played well together I think. And you know what, traditional norwegian folk music starts to grow on me. Dont tell anyone.
Clients Voss Energi & Osafestivalen